We have an experience in the sector of LUXURY HOTELS & RESORTS & CRUISES, we work in partnership  with International Corporations, Very Large Groups to Boutique Hotels, Palace, urban boutique chic Hotel, to very remote retreats or large resorts and Luxury Cruises.

We can design and build  hotel  with traditional methods that the prefabricated system, all with the highest standards and certifications, with both environmental and energy class like Klima Hotel.

Our philosophy is to bring the sweetness and warmth of Italian style by integrating it with details typical of the places where we go to work.
Our qualified attention can be directed to  the creation of rooms and suites with which to creation of spaces of common use such as the lobby, restaurants, rooms for meditation and more.

Hotel Asset Management

Understanding what strategies and management practices result in increased cash flow and asset value, we take an assertive position in an asset management role as owner representative to maximize returns and asset values over time. Every one of our hotel experts has extensive managerial experience; project managers have held a CEO position with a full service. Our approach when undertaking asset management instructions is to seek to maximize the value of our client’s interests. An initial diagnostic review is an integral part of any asset management instruction and prepares the ground for our ongoing role as owner representative.

  • Analyze, review and negotiate annual budget/business plans
  • Physical Property Review
  • Management team oversight, provide on-going monitoring of cash flow and hotel operations
  • Qualify existing, and/or propose a capital improvement/expenditure plans
  • Recommend and help implement initiatives to optimize cash flow (e.g. assess staffing levels, review cost structure, negotiate with brand operator, etc.)
  • Client Surveys (mystery guest analysis, guest satisfaction, tour operator surveys)
  • Ensure management contract compliance
  • Prepare and distribute required ownership reporting
  • Manage key stakeholder relationships
  • Represent owner interests in all potential key contract negotiations
  • Provide continued monitoring of hold/sell analysis and timing
  • Coordinate hotel disposal efforts
  • Working to create and protect value

In addition to specialist core Hotel Asset Management we offer a full range of complementary services to further support your ownership activities subject to separate instruction:

  • Operational Advisory Services
  • Repositioning Strategy & Analysis
  • Sales, Marketing and Revenue Management
  • Investment and Divestment Strategy
  • Hotel Management Company Selection and Contract Negotiation
  • Due Diligence

Tourism and Leisure

Tourism and Leisure projects produces a large part of our business and we pride ourselves on having worked on some very significant projects all over the world. Tourism now accounts for such a high proportion of GDP that extensive investment is being made in the sector, both publicly and privately, and many countries have identified Tourism as the driver for significant growth. Our experts take a systematic approach to every aspect of your project. As U.G.A. we operate in these key area: Policy and Development, Project Planning and Management and Destination Marketing. We work with local or national tourist organizations, countries, regions or communities, providing a thorough diagnosis of the territory in question, and a proposal for developing a tourism and leisure strategy from five to ten year action plan.
Our services as a network:

Planning & Strategy

  • Tourism development strategy
  • Assistance in setting-up projects/Public Procedures
  • Search for Investors & Public/Private Player
  • Owner Representation
  • Institutional Support
  • Destination Strategy (brand)
  • E-tourism
  • Impact Studies and Tourism Statistics

Project Management

  • Master Planning
  • Public Policy Evaluation
  • Feasibility/Programming Studies
  • Market Research Studies
  • Technical Assistance
  • Business Plan
  • Audit/Operational Review
  • Assistance in setting-up projects/Public Procedures
  • Search for Investors & Public/Private Player
  • Owner Representation

Hotel Valuation

From single asset to portfolio’s spread across several countries, our  Hotel Valuation experts will provide an independent, fair market valuation. We have experts , with RICS and MAI accreditation,  who have been working in markets for many years .Hospitality assets, such as hotels and resorts, are complex real estate types, with significant land use value depending on their operational performance. Their performance is susceptible to greater market fluctuations, location issues, management sophistication and high capital investment than other real estate such as office or retail. We use  a sophisticated Discounted Cash Flow  Valuation System approach recognized as the standard by investors in the hospitality industry. In our experience, sophisticated investors use replacement cost and sales comparisons only as secondary references. Our valuation process involves thorough review of the market, quantification of current and future market demand and most importantly, projection of a property’s potential future operating and financial performance based on assessment of its competitive attributes and characteristics. Discount rates based on prevailing investment trends and the weighted average costs of debt and equity are then applied to the projected net cash flows and aggregated to derive the property’s present value. Often, we also identify the potential upside opportunities associated with strategic repositioning through rebranding and/or capital improvements to derive a value reflecting an asset’s optimal performance.

Our  asset valuations are regarded as independent, expert opinions and a pre-requisite for:

Owners and Developers – for arrangement of deal structuring, financing or disposal of assets

Buyers, Investors and Fund Groups – for acquisition or disposal of single properties or portfolios

Banks and Financing Institutions – for pre-mortgage review or work-out and insolvency situations


Land Acquisition (using residual land value analysis)

Asset Transaction

Pre-Lending or Refinancing Review

Equity / Debt Participation

Due diligence for acquisitions or disposals

Stock exchange listing

Basis for joint venture or partnership structuring

Asset revaluation for balance sheet purposes


Our valuation services include:

Valuations of hotel management and franchise companies

Real estate tax assessment appeals and expert court testimony

Expert valuation testimony for foreclosure and bankruptcy proceedings

Accounts purposes – short form annual valuations undertaken for a variety of investor’s operators and owners.

Feasibility – studies undertaken worldwide on hotel viability purposes on new developments conversions and existing operations

Expert Witness /Rent Reviews/Lease Renewals – acting on behalf of Landlords and Tenants as well as investors and insurers

Hotel Planning and Development

Getting the planning and development right is fundamental for any hotel, tourism and leisure project. Our international team of experts will use their project experience, market research and analytical capabilities to help the owner  navigate the entire process. We can proposes development opportunities, recommending the concept and product that will realize its full potential. By estimating project cash flows, we can test a project’s financial feasibility. We can also form a view of potential investment returns based on a detailed analysis of future market performance, the competitive attributes of the subject property and local operational and financial benchmarks . Developers, operators, lenders and investors rely on our reports for an impartial assessment of project viability while our market and product descriptions form the basis for architectural briefs, for shortlisting appropriate operators and for project branding.

Our planning and development services include:

  • Appraisal Reports
  • Destination and Large Scale Project Master planning
  • Facilities Programming
  • Market Entry Strategy
  • Market and Financial Feasibility Studies
  • Product Conceptualization
  • Highest and Best Use
  • Macro Tourism Analysis
  • Project Capitalization and Financial Structuring
  • Residual Land Valuation
  • Hotel Management Company Selection and Contract Negotiation
  • Strategic Planning

Corporate Strategic Advice

The global hospitality industry is fast moving and situations can change quickly. The challenge for any executive team is how to manage that change, and achieve the growth that your investors and shareholders are clamoring for. Your success will come down to whether or not you have identified a clear path, and correctly allocated the right resources at the right time to execute the plan; no easy task when you are also running a business.We can shape a tourism value chain through tourism strategies and master plans of a country or a region, to an individual city or a destination. We have also worked on the planning and development of hundreds of development projects around the world. Customers are more and more demanding, and it is getting even harder to exceed their expectations in an increasingly complex ecosystem. Hospitality has been quickly digitalized, and the pace of the technological and digital revolution is not slowing down. We help our Clients to become customer centric and more agile in the digital space so they can face upcoming challenges before they happen. We go beyond a pure sales and marketing as a service to a strategic level and integrate them across an organization to support the overall corporate strategy.


Our corporate services include:

  • Market strategy
  • Growth strategy
  • Investment strategy
  • Strategic business plans and reviews
  • Strategic and operational restructuring
  • Human Resources management
  • Transactional support services
  • Marketing and Sales


Our Marketing and Sales services include:

  • Marketing and sales strategy
  • Brand strategy
  • Digital marketing
  • Development of products and services
  • Standard operating procedures
  • Sales and distribution channels management




We have a partnership with one of the most important companies in the world of the brand .

His philosophy is :

“Helping brands build audiences and fans through insight-driven creative partners to create lasting bonds with their audiences in a multi-platform world. With two decades of experience building some of the most iconic hospitality brands, we believe in redefining the brand experience to build meaningful audience engagement. Incorporate a seamless integration of strategy and creativity, as we envision the future of the audience-media relationship in an era of unlimited choice. Helping our clients build fans – and helping fans build true loyalty.”

“In a time when entertainment fundamentally shapes our cultural and individual identities, it’s crucial to understand the insights that drive the audience’s behavior. We conduct both qualitative and quantitative research to develop actionable insights that inform the way a brand lives in the real world.”

Phase 1

& Insights

Focus groups

Internet reputation analysis

Quantitative analysis

Shop-along / Watch-along / Work-along

Usability Testing


Phase 2


Strong brands build equity, allowing a meaningfully connection

to audiences in a sea of competing media.


Brand Assessment



Brand Positioning

Brand Pillars

Consumer Profile

Competitive Landscape

Brand Position

Brand Promise

Brand Filters


Brand Platform

Brand Concept

Brand Essence


Brand Expression


Brand Message

Communication Platform

Communication Strategy

Upfront & Newfront Strategy





Brand Concept

The brand concept is the story of the hotel and drives all key decision making from design to service model to communications in order to create a cohesive and meaningful guest experience.


Brand Cornerstones/Pillars

The brand cornerstones serve as the foundation of the brand and provide international benchmark for the hotel & staff.


Brand Personality

The brand personality defines the appropriate tone and spirit for the hotel and serves as a filter for all brand communications.


Brand Promise

The brand promise is a simple and concise promise that the hotel makes to all of it’s guests.


Brand Attributes

The brand attributes are descriptors that the brand wants it’s guests to use when talking about The Hotel.



Phase 3


Today we interact with brands in more ways, than ever before.

We specialize in building integrated brand experiences that live at the center of today’s culture.


Identity Design


Logo Design

Identity Systems

Brand Architecture

Identity Signatures


Content Packaging

Collateral material


Talent Shoots


Brand Platform Design

Multi-Channel Design

Multi-Platform Blueprint

Brand Toolkits

Brand Films

Brand Sizzle

Live-Action Production

Phase 4

Marketing & Innovation


As consumer marketing shifts to engagement, connecting with the audience requires innovative thinking.

We seek out new opportunities at the intersections of entertainment, advertising, and technology to engage audiences on deeper, more emotive levels.




Multi-Platform Campaigns

Brand Integration

Brand Sponsorships & partnerships

Social Media

Press & Online media

Content Branding


Brand Innovation

Brand Action Plan

Think Tanks (Brand Innovation Workshop)

Brand Stewardship



TV Spots

Web Design

Digital User-Experience

Experience Design & Environment

Event Branding & Design



  Want to know more? Contact us!